Centos de persoas pertencentes á comunidade africana de París levan os últimos nove días con disturbios nas rúas. Estes incidentes provocounos a morte de dous mozos de orixe africana. Bouna Traoré, de 15 anos e Zied Benna, de 17, electrocutáronse nunha subestación de Clichy-sous-Bois cando liscaban da policía. Un terceiro rapaz que finalmente non morreu contou que corrían cheos de medo porque estaban no lugar dun atraco cando chegou a policía. Os xendarmes porén din que non teñen culpa ningunha da morte dos rapaces. É ben sinalar que ningún deles era inmigrante. Os seus avós e se cadra seus pais si, pero eles naceran en Francia e eran cidadáns galos. A cotío menciónase que os "inmigrantes" son un problema en por si, co que se agrava a súa exclusión para a maioría da sociedade francesa. Un artigo de Sokari Ekine. Artigo completo en galego en Vieiros.
Members of Paris’s African community have been rioting in the streets of Paris for the past 9 days. The riots were triggered by the death of two youths of African descent, Bouna Traore, aged 15, and Zyed Benna, 17, were electrocuted at an electricity sub-station in Clichy-sous-Bois as they ran from the police. A third youth who escaped death, said they panicked and ran because they found themselves near the scene of a holdup incident where police began to arrive. The police deny any involvement in the boys’ death. It should be noted that these young people are not immigrants. Their grandparents and possibly their parents are but they are born in France and are French citizens. Constantly referring to them as "immigrants" is a problem in itself and reinforces their exclusion from mainstream French society.By Sokari Ekine. Read more here
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